Tracey Long
I would like to help guide your journey to health by optimizing nutrition and lifestyle. I am a Registered Dietitian specializing in Integrative and Functional Medical Nutrition Therapy. I have 25 years of experience working as a nutrition and fitness professional. I practice what I preach. I guide my clients in investigating troubling health concerns through the lens of a nutritionist.

Nutrigenomics is one tool I use with clients to improve health. Other tools include a thorough assessment of your health story over the entirety of your life, symptoms, lab values, and lifestyle and behavior. My business is called Big Picture Health because I evaluate the big picture of your health. 

Whole food has so much to offer our bodies over single nutrient supplements. However if you have a significant genetic SNP or multiple SNPs and/or nutrient deficiencies I will recommend supplements for as short a time period as possible. I also provide personalized menu plans and recipes to help guide your dietary intake. When possible, I will always encourage optimal nutrition through food intake.

As a Certified Exercise Physiologist and Registered Yoga Teacher I will guide you in exercise and meditation. Other important lifestyle factors we will address together include time spent in nature, local food, growing some of your own food, sleep, stress, and exposure to environmental toxins.

I specialize in dementia, gastrointestinal health, autoimmune diseases, and mental health. I have worked with clients who have a variety of conditions to improve health. Some examples are Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease, rheumatoid arthritis, SIBO, anxiety and depression, diabetes, lead toxicity, Lyme disease, cardiovascular disease, weight loss, eczema, celiac disease, infertility and IBS. My goal is to help you improve your quality of life and find vitality. This way you can better achieve your highest potential.

Please contact me via my website contact page to schedule an appointment: