The Dirty Gene of Vaccines – DHPR


What happens if your DHPR gene isn’t working well?

It can cause mental retardation, epilepsy, total abnormalities, fever without infections and swallowing difficulties to name a few. 

Dihydropteridine Reductase deficiency is a genetic condition, but even if you don’t inherit the condition, you can still make the gene dirty which causes a similar effect.

How does it get dirty? Through aluminum, What’s one of the ingredients in most vaccines, aluminum. 

Find out more about this dirty gene and what you can do about it in the video below:

Find out what happens when the DHPR #gene gets dirty through #vaccines. @drbenlynch

Dirty genes. What are they? A dirty gene is a gene that doesn’t perform its ability to function very well. How does that happen? Lifestyle, diet, environment, mindset, and so on. For example, you’re watching this video right now through your glasses and on a monitor. If your glasses are dirty or your monitor is dirty, you’re not seeing it very well. But if you simply wipe them clean, then you can. So let’s wipe up the DHPR gene and learn about what it does and how it gets dirty.

The DHPR gene stands for Dihydropteridine Reductase. What? Is that important to understand? No, but it sounds cool. If you to, you can learn more about it. But Dihydropteridine Reductase is what DHPR stands for.

So what? What does that matter? What does it do? If you understand what a gene does, then you can understand what happens if it gets dirty. Once it gets dirty and you know how it gets dirty, then you know how to clean it up and then it can do what it needs to do again. It’s that simple. Dirty gene identify the mess, clean up the mess. You got the gene working.

What does it do? It makes BH4. Thanks, Ben. That’s useful. What is BH4? I got you covered. BH4 helps your body make tyrosine, l-dopa, 5-htp, and nitric oxide. Still lost? No problem. Tyrosine and l-dopa go to support your body’s major neurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine. Your 5-htp, maybe you’re supplementing with it. Maybe you feel great with it. Maybe you don’t feel great with it. But regardless, 5-htp makes your serotonin and your melatonin. Pretty critical. Nitric oxide. Very critical for cell to cell communication signaling, antioxidant effects, inflammation, cardiovascular disease. It’s amazing. It’s top notch.

Any of these get messed up we can have issues. So what happens if the DHPR gene isn’t working? Well, you have limited production of biopterin. What? If you have limited production of BH4 and we know that BH4 helps make tyrosine, l-dopa, 5-htp, and nitric oxide, and you also know that these go on to make your dopamine, your norepinephrine, your epinephrine, your serotonin, your melatonin, and your cardiovascular support and it’s diminished, well, wouldn’t your neurotransmitters be diminished? Yes, they would. Would your mood be altered? Absolutely. Would your cardiovascular system not be working right? Correct. That is a big problem.

Let’s look at a clinical example. What happens if your gene, DHPR, isn’t working very well? This is a genetic condition. Dihydropteridine Reductase deficiency is a genetic condition, inherited but it’s not inherited very often. But you can make the gene dirty and not having it work very well which causes similar effect, maybe not as severe but it’s definitely a similar effect. What does this deficiency do of this gene? Well, it causes mental retardation, epilepsy, total abnormalities, infections, fever without infections, and swallowing difficulties to name a few. These are pretty key.

If you understand and you already do what DHPR does, it makes sense that you have mental dysfunction. It makes sense that you’re having fevers. It makes sense that you’re having swallowing difficulties. Why? Because your ability to make and balance your neurotransmission and think and communicate is screwed up. Your ability to support your cardiovascular system, surprised there’s no cardiovascular issues here, but they’re real. That’s hypothermia. That’s probably one, but that’s also inflammation.

But regardless, if you have a dirty DHPR gene, this is what happens. This is on a spectrum. This is severe. But if you have it somewhat blocked and it’s somewhat dirty, you’re going to be somewhere on the spectrum. This sounds similar to those with autism. It also sounds similar to those with Alzheimer’s disease and they have cognitive dysfunction.

The question is, how does DHPR get dirty? Why am I talking about them getting dirty? Well, it’s because it gets dirty by aluminum. Aluminum is pervasive in the environment. It’s everywhere. It’s in your water. It’s in your food and elsewhere so let’s get to that in a second.

They looked at aluminum and they looked at how much aluminum is in your blood compared to how active and functioning your DHPR enzyme is. The more aluminum you have, the less function the DHPR enzyme is working. The less aluminum you have, the greater it’s working. Inverse relationship. Very cut and dry. They actually identified that if you remove the aluminum from the patient that the activity of the gene regained and resumed itself back to a better state. They cleaned up the gene by removing the dirt, which was aluminum in this case. Aluminum inhibits DHPR activity, meaning it slows it down and the red blood cells, and when they remove the chelation, it reversed the effect. Powerful stuff.

Would aluminum injection reduce the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease? Another research paper. Alzheimer’s disease is directly associated with aluminum levels. This is known as paper after paper after paper. I just picked one. If we know that aluminum is contributing to Alzheimer’s and we know that DHPR gene is also contributing to neurotransmission issues, then it makes sense that people will get Alzheimer’s, right? If their neurotransmitters aren’t working very well, then it makes sense. They’ve got a dirty DHPR gene. Absolutely.

What else is going on? Mercury was pulled out of vaccines but now there’s a ton of aluminum in vaccines. In fact, there’s so much aluminum that the safe level dose for a single day exposure for a baby is 20 micrograms. 20. They’re getting over a thousand based on the current schedule. How do we expect their DHPR enzyme to work very well and allow their brain to make the neurotransmitters it needs? What’s happening to the kids? Autism is going like this and it needs to be going like that. It’s got to stop. We’ve got to clean out the aluminum from vaccines.

Where does it come from? What am I going to say? It comes from many vaccines. Not all of them, but a lot of them. Remember, these vaccines by themselves don’t have that much. But when you put them on schedule as stringent as it is and as many vaccines as they’re getting, it’s a lot. Your child may be recovering and then they hit again. Their DHPR gets dirtier. It was dirty, and now it’s dirtier. The first round of vaccinations your child got, maybe it wasn’t so bad. Maybe they just were okay, and then they were losing some of their speech and regained it. They got vaccinated again a bunch of aluminum. They lost their speech. Why would they lose their speech? A dirty DHPR gene for one reason. Not the only, but one.

Where else does aluminum come from? It comes from utensils. Aluminum cookware. I had it as a kid. It’s light. I use it for backpacking all the time. Pots and pans. I used that for traveling around too and cooking because it’s everywhere. You’re cutting with your aluminum utensils on your aluminum pan on heat and you’re pouring in food that comes from aluminum cans. Hey, whatever. You store it in aluminum foil. Good stuff. Tea. You cook your tea in an aluminum teapot, and you put it in an aluminum cup with water, actually with medications. You took some antacids, which have aluminum in them because you now have some reflux from your camping meal. But your water also has aluminum in it. It’s pretty pervasive. I shouldn’t be laughing because it’s actually not good.

Now, this is a great resource. This paper is free. You can type in this title right here and you can download it. But nobody has time for that anymore. What I want to share with you, I missed this the first time, so excuse me while I point this out for you here. Foods contain pretty low amounts of aluminum. When you eat these foods, it’s not absorbed very well. Absorbing aluminum from the gut is actually pretty tough. You have probiotics which bind it and get it out of system and poo it out. It’s pretty eliminated well. But vaccines are what? Shot. That tells you something.

This is another issue right here. Generally the intake of aluminum from foods is less than 1 percent of that consumed by individuals using aluminum-containing pharmaceuticals. What does that mean? All the food that contains aluminum in it is less than 1 percent of the amount of aluminum that you’re getting from pharmaceuticals, i.e. medications. Wow. We’re saying that a lot of aluminum you’re getting from your pharmaceutical meds. Vaccinations would fit into this category. So would antacids. A lot of people and possibly you are taking antacids.

It also says the availability of aluminum foods is pretty low, as we just talked about. The sensitivity varies for individuals. Definitely. Due to genetics and other reasons and what medications they’re on. What if your baby is taking antacids and then they’re also getting vaccinations? Maybe you as well.

Aluminum contamination of soy-based formulas is also causing problems. These babies are getting hit with vaccines, soy-based formulas, which are contaminated, water, which is contaminated, and also vaccines. It’s everywhere. Know that.

The ability for your DHPR gene to get dirty is significant. The good news is you can clean it up. What’s the solution for cleaning up the DHPR gene? Well, understanding and watching the intake of your aluminum. Understanding where it comes from. Once you understand where it’s coming from, you’re going to eliminate it. You’re going to say, “Well, does this antacid contain aluminum?” Does my toothpaste contain aluminum? Can I get aluminum-free baking soda? Yes. You can start educating yourself and reading labels and you can start asking your health professionals about vaccinations and reducing the schedule and evaluating what you should do there. It’s a tricky subject and you should read The Vaccine-Friendly Plan to learn more about the vaccine schedule because that’s where a lot of aluminum is coming from.

You need support your detoxification routes because, as I shared in another video, the glutathione gene also gets dirty from aluminum. Your glutathione gene is your primary antioxidant for getting rid of things like arsenic. Now your arsenic levels can increase from aluminum. Watching your aluminum intake is significant because aluminum doesn’t just get your DHPR dirty. It gets a lot of other genes dirty.

I hope that helps you out. You’ve got to understand how your DHPR gene works, what it does, supports your neurological system, how you think, how you sleep, how you smile and laugh and corresponding with others and not being all irritated and just being in the moment and present. Fantastic. But not when it’s dirty. That is key. What else helps with that? Going on vacation with your family. That is the best way to remove dirt. I hope that helps you all out and look forward to seeing your comments below and leaving a thumbs-up.

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