
Vaccine Research Findings

Are you being affected by neurotoxicity? Excess aluminum can hinder the effectiveness of the DHPR gene along with the function of glutathione. If glutathione transferase and DHPR, are reduced in function by aluminum, why are we using it in vaccines? Find out why aluminum can be neurotoxic. #genetics #glutathione #DHPR #vaccines @drbenlynch Do you try to… View Article

The Dirty Gene of Vaccines - DHPR

What happens if your DHPR gene isn’t working well? It can cause mental retardation, epilepsy, total abnormalities, fever without infections and swallowing difficulties to name a few.  Dihydropteridine Reductase deficiency is a genetic condition, but even if you don’t inherit the condition, you can still make the gene dirty which causes a similar effect. How… View Article

Do Vaccines Cause Autism? An interview with Paul Thomas, MD

Are vaccines right for your child? If so, which ones? Dr. Paul Thomas, author of the The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, answers these questions and more based on research and his experience with 1,000’s of patients. Is there a connection between #autism & #vaccines? Watch this interview with @drpaulapproved @drbenlynch Dr Ben: Alright. I’m super excited to bring you on… View Article

Vaccine Q&A - Facebook Live

Have you felt overwhelmed by the vaccine discussion? To vaccinate or not to vaccinate? You’re not alone! In fact, your question may have been answered in Dr. Lynch’s recent FB Live. The following are the Top 6 audience submitted questions on vaccines. QUESTION: Vaccines  Are there truly any vaccines that are worth giving my child? QUESTION:… View Article